Customs and Traditions

In the last ten years, CMG has met regularly after the 11am Mass on the first Sunday of every month. We usually do a joint thanksgiving at that Mass before the meeting. We celebrate our major feast day around the birthday of our number one patron saint, St. John the Baptist on Sunday 24th June or soon after. 

Our motto, like our Patron’s is “Fortudo”(Courage). We also use the occasion of our feast day to induct new members, who are always carefully selected. Our meetings rarely exceed two hours, as we devote most of our energies in discussing the Gospel readings, as well as listening to and discussing well-prepared commissioned talks from experts before dealing with domestic matters on how to assist the Priest in running the Church. By our Constitution, the Parish Priest is an ex officio member and the spiritual leader of the Guild.
We honour our other patron saints, Joseph and Thomas More, during their feast days too. In all we do our best to live honourable and dignified lives as is expected of good fathers to our families and the parish community. In our private lives we aim at being role models while earning an honest living.
We are best known within the parish premises and even outside for our greeting, “Pax Christi”, the peace of Christ, which we patented and which has since been unsuccessfully copied by other groups, because our response is also Pax Christi!

The mission of the CMG, like that of the Church, is to make Christ present wherever we are. Members, as friends, encourage each other and wish each other well so that we can continue to grow, especially in the spiritual realm.

Pax Christi.