core Values

Respect and continuous search for the truth.
Continuous study of Catholic doctrines in conjunction with Holy Scripture with a view to propagating them.
Scrupulous integrity and accountability of members in all dealings.
A strong desire for justice on local and national issues.
Fortitude – like that of St John the Baptist, St Joseph, or St (Sir) Thomas More. 

Willingness to help the Church in all her needs.
Unity – many in one with Christ! Regular reception of the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion as major aids.
Personal holiness, that is, development of each one’s personality to God’s specifications for him.
Hard work and continuous focus on our vocation as married men .
Sincerity in prayer without ostentation.
Learning to live detachment from material wealth.
Love and care of our nuclear families, our communities, society and the nation.
Participation in works of mercy and promoting human dignity.
Cheerfulness and a good sense of humour at all times.
The holy fear of God.