Aims and Objectives

To foster a more perfect Catholic life among members.
To be a forum through which Catholic justice and teachings on culture and morals may be studied and practised.
To guard and protect the interest of the Catholic Church, foster a Catholic conscience and outlook in our respective homes, places of work and relaxation in an endeavor to apply Catholic principles and teachings in all aspects of our social life through example, social and educational organizations.
To render spiritual, intellectual and material aid to members and foster among them a spirit of co-operation.
To serve as the nucleus for the growth of a nationwide association of men who are married and wedded in the Catholic Church and are living Catholic married lives according to the doctrines of the Church.
To carry out other activities consistent with these aims and objectives

Catholic Men’s Guild (CMG) and Catholic Men Organisation (CMO)

CMG has come a long way since 1990. Whilst the CMO is the umbrella body for all men in the Church, married and unmarried, the CMG is for only married and practising Catholic men with reasonable means of livelihood. The two Societies play complementary roles in the Church.